Build #1

Build: #1 was successful First build for this plan


The following logs have been generated by the jobs in this branch.
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Job Logs
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21-Oct-2015 09:54:23 :Core:compileJmh
21-Oct-2015 09:54:48 :Core:shadowJar
21-Oct-2015 09:54:48 :Core:assemble
21-Oct-2015 09:54:48 :Core:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
21-Oct-2015 09:54:53 :Core:compileTestScala
21-Oct-2015 09:54:53 :Core:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
21-Oct-2015 09:54:53 :Core:testClasses
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55 :Core:test
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55 :Core:check
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55 :Core:build
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55 :Macros:assemble
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55 :Macros:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55 :Macros:compileTestScala UP-TO-DATE
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55 :Macros:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55 :Macros:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55 :Macros:test UP-TO-DATE
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55 :Macros:check UP-TO-DATE
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55 :Macros:build
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55 BUILD SUCCESSFUL
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55
21-Oct-2015 09:54:55 Total time: 1 mins 29.893 secs
21-Oct-2015 09:54:56 Failed to execute plugin 'Artifactory Gradle Properties Info Copier' with error:;Lcom/atlassian/bamboo/plan/PlanResultKey;Ljava/io/File;Lcom/atlassian/bamboo/plan/artifact/ArtifactDefinitionContext;Ljava/util/Map;I)Z
21-Oct-2015 09:54:56 Unable to publish artifact [Scala jars]: null
21-Oct-2015 09:54:56 Unable to publish artifact [Scala Macros jars]: null